Archangel Metatron

August 2009

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are  BLISS, tests, alchemy, gold, risk, imagination, teaching, learning, power, domination, opportunity, harmony,


Beloved ones, as August begins there is an upbeat mood of productive happiness.  This energy will carry you through the month in a state of positive energy.   Through the month there will be positive times and events, and a few difficult days.  There will be challenges and changes as you continue to integrate the growth and development you manifested in July.   Throughout the flow this energy cycle creates, there will be a consistent thread of harmony.  Children of Light, the Universe is offering you an  opportunity to learn to live in a positive state.  The energy change August brings suggests that you may learn to heal self esteem issues as well as psychological blocks – and manifest a new way of life as a result. 


August begins with a desire for amusement and the energy of play.  This allows many adults to turn everyday activities into a game, to recover the energy and consciousness of a child.   As the first week of August progresses, this energy will support you in clearing the explosive energy and a feeling of being emotionally controlled or dominated.  Relationship changes, falling in love unexpectedly, with the need to offer explanations or deal with confrontations will occupy many of you during the first week.   Life will not be boring if you take the opportunity being offered to explore the possibilities. 


The first week also brings a lunar eclipse which will establish energetic directions for the next 6 months.  Manifesting your creativity, nurturing the children in your life, loving others, and expressing the highest of humanitarian ideals are positive directions to focus this energy through.  Hold a conscious, positive focus and this eclipse may also rejuvenate your financial opportunities and prospects! 


Another blow for the US economy is on the way as one or more financial giants may declare bankruptcy.   There are portents of war indicating an invasion in the Mideast.  


Arguments and intellectual issues with others at school or in your workplace will often surface during August.  This is manifested from an internal conflict within yourself.  Perhaps your ideas and your practical ability to implement them are at odds?   Perhaps you simply want to play, work out, and have fun and resentment over the requirement that you accomplish something brings an outburst?   At an inner level you have tremendous intuition and awareness of how to create lasing happiness.  Direct mental tension toward  an intentional focus upon joy and conflict will simply dissolve!


This month offers you the impetus to take action to manifest your dreams, heal your limitations, and evolve!   Your mental conflict and internal drama over security and responsibility to those you love opens an opportunity to learn a new way to gather information. 


The Moon’s nodal axis shifts toward the end of the month, bringing in a new set of  emotional lessons that will continue through 2011.  These lessons will flow between home and career, relationships and self direction, ambition and emotion.   At this time you will begin to use logic and rational processes to understand information in new ways.  This allows you to be more fully in charge of the direction of your life and relationships.    


At this time, the lights open you to the fullness of joy as you communicate from a full heart and a basic  state of internal harmony.    You learn to communicate in ways that supports others, but allows you to increase self esteem and feel good about yourself.  Children of light, the path of joy evolves into living within a state of bliss.  The nectar of the divine is the food of light for those existing within bliss.  August opens the way toward bliss within the everyday world.    I am the Metatron.