Archangel Metatron


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are Teachings, Authority, Freedom, Force, Insight, Brilliance, Strength, Determination, Ascension,  Excitement, Expansion, and Discipline.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins you will find yourself empowered with the energy, personal power, and determination to make changes in your life.  These practical changes will allow you to take charge of your life and they will lead to your success through 2013.

Through January the energy aligns bringing flashes of insight, intellectual brilliance, and technological solutions.  Enjoy socializing and witty conversation.   Profound understanding of yourself and others will allow you to solve deep relationship problems.   Are you ready for such dynamic “input” from the Divine? 

On January 3, 2013 the 13:13 gate will open. This gate will remain open until February 13, 2013.  The energy manifesting through the gate continues the flow of the Phoenix Gates and offers support and sustenance to all humankind.   The 13th Gate continues the theme of renewal, recreation, and rebirth.  The energy of the 13th Gate is coded for higher 4th dimensional and lower 5th dimensional ascension.  I ask that you gather in groups of 13, meditate, and ask that the next step be opened for you.  You will find that enormous Spiritual progress will result!

Throughout January the energy brings a sense of urgency to the decisions before you.  On the global stage you may expect the news to be filled with stories of clashes between those who hold power and authority versus the public desire for freedom.   The energy speaks of a great exertion of force in the political scene.  You may expect intervention in the Mid East around the 14th.  The refugee situation and humanitarian crisis will elicit global compassion.  Many people will demand that something constructive be done!

All of you will experience some sort of alteration in the tax situation.   The American drought will continue. Throughout 2013 there is significant risk for transportation, mining, and industrial accidents.  Use your awareness and your safety will be guaranteed.

The energy flowing as a result of the new moon on the 11th will be beneficial but demanding.  The light places energetic focus on the teacher / student relationship.    You may expect positive change in education.  Some of you may find a Spiritual Teacher or Mentor.  Others will step forward and begin to share their message with the world.  Many new Spiritual Leaders and Healers will emerge through the light of this moon cycle.  Tremendous progress in the world will be the result.  

At midmonth take care when forming new relationships.  In these situations I guide you to speak about your expectations and set firm boundaries.  If you choose to loan money consider it to be a gift for it is unlikely to be repaid.

The full moon on the 26th shifts the energetic focus to your home.  The light brings new ideas and potential solutions to the mortgage and housing crisis.   Once again intuition, insights, and the experience of “knowing” are gifts offered to you by the Divine.  Month end will bring opportunities in many areas of your life as well as financial progress.  What does not manifest this month will arrive in the months ahead.

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  Use compassion, sincerity, and honor when dealing with the others who populate this world.  Remember, there is only oneness – separation is an illusion.  You are beginning the step toward greater unity, interdependence, and oneness will be the long term result!  I am the Metatron.
摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜悅。要記得,「返家」的路徑是一個共同的旅程,而且是由共享喜樂的歡悅鋪設而成!當你們和居住在這世界上的每一份子交流時,運用慈悲心、真誠、和榮譽感。要記得,萬物是一體 – 分離是一種錯覺。你們已經開始了朝向偉大的一體性、相互依存的階段,而合一將會是長期的結果!我是麥達昶。