Archangel Metatron

July 2014

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are  Intensity, Humor, Fresh Start, Planning, Reward, Financial Gain, Cherish, Stability, Foundations, Blessings, Pure Joy, Freedom, Insight, Revelation, Wisdom,


Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius! 


As the month begins July will take you from crisis to confidence within the course of a day and midmonth will bring a call to action from the Universe itself.  Expect rapid, impatient change.  Whether this manifests housecleaning or revolution - change is on the way.  Where are you dissatisfied?   Is it anger or a hunger for something more that brings a sense of lack?  How can you improve your circumstances and your place in life?    A lifetime of experience may be packed into this single month.  My Beloved one, prepare to live as you have never lived before!   

隨著這個月的開始,7月在每一天的課題裡,將把你們從危機帶到自信中,而月中會帶來一個從宇宙本身而來的召喚,去付諸行動。 預期迅速,不耐煩的改變。 無論這是否顯化了家務清理或是革命- 改變就在路上了。 什麼地方是你們感到不滿意的?它是憤怒或是一種對於某些事物渴求更多所帶來的匱乏感? 你們如何改善在你們生活中的情況及你們的處境呢? 一生的經驗可能會被塞入這一個月份。 我摯愛的人們,準備去過你們之前未曾有過的生活!

The Gateway of Return opens on July 7, 2014.  The coding of this gate is 7.7.7 which will open the Spiritual realm in unique ways.  Your creativity and passion will benefit from this gate.  In all ways you will develop faith, learn to live from hope, and to manifest victory as a result.  The Gateway of Return closes on October 7, 2014.  Make the use of this time!

回歸的閘道在2014年7月7日打開了。  這扇閘門的編碼是7.7.7 ,也就是將會在獨特的方式下,打開靈性的國度。 你們的創造力及熱情將從這道閘門獲益。 這個回歸的閘道於2014年10月7日關閉。 這一次要善加利用!

As the month of July begins the dance between Saturn and Uranus is preparing to shift.  Beginning on July 20th Saturn moves ahead with little regard for the graces.  The very next day Uranus moves backward stalling progress, innovation, and creativity.    As July begins decisions and efforts will bring unexpected results.  Selfless giving will succeed.  Ego based pursuits will bring pain. 

隨著7月開始了,在土星和天王星之間的舞步正在準備轉換。 7月20日開始,土星因為一些些相關的恩典而向前推進了。 就在第二天,天王星向後移動,使進度、創新,及創造力停滯了。 隨著7月開始的決定及努力會帶來意想不到的結果。  無私的付出將會成功。 立基於小我的追求會帶來痛苦。

The Full Moon on July 12th is explosive as it is crossed by Mars.   Take care with safety, driving, electrical equipment, or working with flammables.  This is a good time to rest, avoid surgical intervention, and take care with the food you eat. 

由於火星的交叉,7月12日的滿月是爆炸性的。 注意安全性, 駕駛,電氣設備,或易燃物的工作。 這是一個去休息的好時候,避免外科手術,並注意你們所吃的食物。  

July 20 and 21st the call to action will demand you make a choice!  Jupiter moves into Leo on July 16, Saturn goes direct, and Uranus goes retrograde.  Mars moves into Scorpio on July 25th.   All this will turn your focus from the personal to the group or family that you belong to.   The movement of Mars will bring forth all that you have mastered in life.  You best qualities will be revealed – Beloved ones stand in the light of the Divine.

7月20日和21日行動上的號召將要求你們做出選擇! 7月16日木星移動到獅子座,土星恢復順行,而天王星會是逆行的。 7月25日火星進入天蠍座 。 所有的這一切都會把你們的焦點從個人轉換到團體上,或者是轉到你們隸屬的家庭上。 火星的運行將帶來所有你們已經在生命中精通的力量。  你們最好的特質將被揭示- 摯愛的人們,屹立在這股神聖的光中。

The New Moon on July 26th brings forth the full energy of Sun conjunct Jupiter and the dance of Saturn square Uranus.   This is a time to master your ego, your energy, and connect with the grace of the Divine. Your emotions will surge and flow from the depths of your being, and their intensity will amaze you. This is a time to avoid extremes and take care with your words.  Your tongue truly becomes a sword when coupled with energy. 

7月26日的新月帶出了太陽的充分能量,相合木星及土星刑天王星之舞。 這是一個去掌理你們的小我,你們的能量,並且去與神聖之恩典連結的時候。 你們的情緒會激增,並且從你們生命中的深處流出,它們的激烈度會使你們吃驚。 這是一個去避免極端,並且留意你們的話語的時候。 與能量相加時,你們的舌頭真的會成為一把劍。

As July ends all humankind will be wiser and more humble.  Use energy wisely and in the most efficient way.   Beloved ones seek your joy and consider the good for all.   Beloved ones, in July you will be given the keys to Joy and Divine Grace.  Victory is yours!  I am the Metatron.

隨著7月終了,所有的人類將會是更明智,及更加謙卑的。 在最有效率的方式下,明智地運用能量。 摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜悅,並思量所有的善。 摯愛的人們,在7月你們將會被給予通往喜悅及神聖恩典的金鑰。 勝利就是你們的了! 我是麥達昶。

