Archangel Metatron


Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:  evolution, energy, frequency, vibration, and miracles.

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   This month marks the forward movement of the wheel of time.  A new beginning is underway.  It is time to focus, for your greater life purpose and personal mission will be revealed.  You are being activated.  The path to emotional, intellectual, creative, and spiritual liberation will open through the new light that has grounded on Earth.  The Gates of Ascension and Resurrection are open to those who are ready.
歡迎來到這個充份展現的大同時代新紀元!這個月標記了向前運轉的時間之輪。   一個新的開始正在進行著。為了你更大的人生目的,這是專注的時候了,而個人的使命將被揭示。你正被激活著。情感的、知性的、創意的,和靈性解放的路徑將透過那已紮根在地球上的新光流而開啟。超升和轉世重生的閘門已為那些準備好的人打開。  

As June begins congratulations are in order even if you are not aware of the tremendous progress that has manifested.   The reason for this lack of clarity is due to Neptune’s energy diffusing the energy as well as reality.  It will seem as if you experience the world and life through a cloud of illusion.  The more quickly you shed illusions and delusions the more quickly the Divine process will be revealed.   The 12:12:12 and 13:13:13 Gateways have been successfully negotiated.
隨著6月的開始祝賀是必然的,即使你沒有覺知到這個巨大的進展已經被體現了。不夠明確的原因是由於海王星的能量分散了這股能量以及其真實性。這會看來像是你們透過浮雲般的錯覺體驗了這個世界及生活。你們越快擺脫錯覺和妄想,神聖的進程就越快被揭示。12:12:12和 13:13:13的閘道已被成功地協定。


New beginnings are in store as the positive energy flowing to the physical world will bring a surge of Spiritual awareness and unlimited opportunities for personal and interpersonal healing.  Prepare yourself for the manifestation of your hopes and dreams, and know that you will thrive in the new world that is being created by the energetic flow.

Through June the energy blends, opening many of you to “love at first sight.”  The energy that sponsors new love is not stable and issues will manifest as quickly as you recognize the attraction.  Communicate, make your message as clear as possible and connect with as many people as you can reach.  The flow will take care of the rest!  

Financial windfalls will be offset by increased expenses.  It is critical that you manage your financial resources carefully through the next 3 month cycle.  Money is energy, and as you seek balance between income and outflow in money – you will balance aspects of your emotions and intellect manifesting balance and stability in your life.  Surprising personal changes will be good but they require the courage to step forward and embrace change.  You may expect enormous progress in your spiritual development through the first 16 days of June.  You may gain a great deal, but you must also make commitments and accept the long term responsibilities progress brings. 
財務上的意外收穫將因增加的支出而相抵消。 至關重要的是,接下來的三個月的週期中你們要謹慎地管理你們的財務。錢是能量,而當你們在金錢上的進帳和流出之間尋求平衡時-你們將平衡你們的情感和理智的面向,在你的生活中體現平衡和穩定性。 令人驚訝的個人變化將是很好的,但這份變化需要勇氣去邁步向前並擁抱改變。在6月的前16天你們可以預期在你們的靈性發展上驚人的進程。你可能會獲得一項偉大的交易,但同時你也必須要做出承諾並接受這個進程所帶來的長期責任。       

The New Moon on the 8th will bring communication, public bickering, and tremendous media attention to the process of politics.   Expect the media to be a part of the problem and transportation issues will move into the greater awareness.  The more you talk about problems, the more energy you will expend, and you will give power to your problems.  Let it go and instead focus on all that is new. 

 Saturn reveals secrets and many scandals may manifest in public life.  In private life others will be eager to share your secrets.  Know that whatever is hidden will be revealed.  This energy brings the obligations of maturity into your life.  It demands that you value integrity as you honor your emotional reality.   This flow will empower you to consolidate your successes and financial progress.  An attitude of benevolence and inspiration promise evolution for everyone.  Avoid arrogance and remember there is much more to success than “winning”.

Beloved ones, the universe will grant success to those who believe in themselves and step forward.    Innovation and technological developments offer solutions.  These areas hold enormous potential for all humankind.

Mid month manifests an opportunity to heal at the deepest levels of your being.  It also brings in the flow of “winning” and many will manifest great victories in life as a result of the energetic stimulation offered by these alignments.  Set temptations aside and stick to activities you know to be appropriate. 

In some way each of you are beginning a personal adjustment cycle.    Many of these adjustments will require a greater level of forgiveness and love.  As you heal your own issues I ask you to consider those who are in need and those who live in oppressive conditions.  Your leaders are beginning to understand the urgent need for solutions to global problems.  They are beginning to find the necessary resources and assume responsibility for unique solutions to these conditions.  At this time, suffering cannot be allowed to continue!   You may feel a calling to serve and step forward offering your resources to create change in the world.    Beloved ones take responsibility for the good of the whole and get involved.  You may find that you hold a necessary “key” to the next step for humankind.    This may also unlock your 5th dimensional consciousness and that is the beginning of  your “personal” ascension. 

Compromise is a fine art and offers solutions to everyday, interpersonal problems as well as social problems within the greater community you are a part of.  Shift your focus from petty concerns in order to focus on something greater than yourself and every one of you will learn to work as a team to achieve the next step. 

At the Full Moon on the 23rd the energy shifts, placing long term focus on the well being of the family.  Whatever represents home will soon become a large priority in life.   This energetic progression will bring progress toward eliminating hunger.  Production, preservation, and distribution of food through technology will be the focus over the next year.  Food prices are likely to fall and good food will be more available to those in need.  The lowest aspects of the mass conscious are being revealed in order to be healed.  Scandals, issues of public support for the poor, and welfare spending for nutrition programs will gain hold in the public awareness.    Rumors of war, deception over money, global pandemic, and heightened potential for chemical attack are of concern.  Be aware!    Political challenges and sudden changes in leadership may result from the shift in energetic alignments.  Resignations, assassinations, and surprise decisions in politics will transform the world political environment. 
這股能量在本月23日的滿月轉移,長期的關注於家人的健康上。所有在家中呈現的將很快地成為生活中的優先大事。這個高能的進程將帶來朝向消除飢餓的進展。透過科技,糧食的生產、保存,和分配會成為明年的焦點。食品價格可能下跌,良好的食品將能更多地提供給那些需要的人。群眾意識的最低面向正在被揭露以便於被療癒。醜聞、支助貧窮的公眾議題,營養方案的社會福利支出將在公眾認知上獲得把握。    戰爭的謠言,金錢的誆騙、全球流感,有高度潛在可能的化學武器攻擊是值得關注的。保持覺知!可能因為在一致的高能轉變下而導致政治挑戰和驟然改變的領導層。辭職,暗殺及在政治上令人驚訝的決策將改造這個世界的政治環境。

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  The energetic shift brings everyone to attention as marital and family relationships are highlighted.   You cannot be one with the Divine until you have learned to be as one with your spouse.  A variety of significant events shared by the community will test your level of oneness.  Be prepared for natural disasters.  Beloved ones, choose your joy and consider the greater good for all!  I am the Metatron. 
摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜悅。且記得,「返家」的路徑是一條共享的旅程,而它是由共享喜悅的樂趣鋪設而成的!這股高能的轉變帶給每一個人去關注被突顯出的婚姻和家庭關係。 在你們已經學會和你們的配偶合一之前你們無法與神聖合一。由社群所共享的各種顯著的事件將會測試你們的合一程度。為自然災害作好準備。摯愛的人們,選擇你們的喜悅並為萬物細思更大的善!我是麥達昶。