Archangel Metatron

2014 6

Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are:   Communication, community, siblings, culmination, rewards, gratitude, compassion, generosity, and JOY.


Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius!   As the month begins congratulations are in order.  The movement of the celestial bodies manifests a Grand Trine – this brings healing.  The energy is gentle and subtle.  This is a good time to seek a Spiritual Mentor. 

歡迎來到這個充分展現的水瓶座時代! 隨著這個月開始的祝賀都是按順序來的。 天體的運行顯化了一個盛大三角- 這帶來了療癒。 這股能量流是溫和且微妙的。 這是一個去尋求一位靈性導師的好時候。

At this time the world is weary and ready for new circumstances.  The themes for the future are selfless service, assertiveness, planning, and creativity.  Envision crowds gathered to listen to the wisdom on just one man!   

在這個時候,世界是疲憊的,並且已經為新的狀況準備好了。 未來的主題是無私的服務,堅定而自信的,有規劃的,並且是具有創造力的。 預想群眾聚集在一個人身邊去聆聽智慧!

On the 7th Mercury joins Saturn and Pluto in Retrograde motion.  This will be a time of communication and travel challenges.   Your thought process can be muddy at time.  Your current set of beliefs may cause you to experience challenges.   Use your intuition to resolve issues and surmount challenges.  Complete projects and repair your possessions during this time. 

在第7日,在逆行中,水星加入了土星和冥王星。 這將會是溝通交流和旅行的一個挑戰的時間點。 到時候你們的思維過程可能會是混濁不清的。 你們現有的一套信仰可能會導致你們去經驗挑戰。 用你們的直覺去解決議題並越過挑戰。 完成專案項目,並且在這段時間修復你們的財產(所有權)。

On the 9th the Divine quality of charity begins to flow.   

Beginning with the Full Moon on June 12th I advise you to reflect on your Spiritual progress.  Meditate on religion, your philosophy for life, your current educational status, and foreign travel. If your life doesn’t seem to be expansive or exciting you will be bored to tears.  It may be time to seek adventure or find your Spiritual path.

6月12日開始的滿月,我建議你們反思你們的靈性進展。 在宗教上,在你們對於人生的哲學上,你們目前的教育狀況, 及國外旅行上默想。 假如你們的生命看起來似乎並沒有被擴展或令人興奮的話,你們可能會無聊到想要掉淚。 這可能是去尋求冒險,或找到你們的靈性道路的時候了。

June 24th and 25th are filled with volatile energy.  There is danger and it is wise to pay attention to your personal safety and security. 

6月24日和25日都充滿了易揮發的能量。 這是有危險的,而明智的是要留意你們的人身安全和保障。

The New Moon on the 27th aligned with Saturn will be supportive.  Enjoy your family, consider your security and express your love through nurturing action.  Spiritual progress can be made over the next two weeks.  Be aware and live life to the fullest! 

在第27日與土星對齊的新月將會是有支持力的。 享受你們的家庭,為你們的安全著想,並透過扶育的行動表達你們的愛。 在接下來的兩周,可以做出靈性上的進步。保持覺察,並且極致充分地活出生命!

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy.  Remember, the path “home” is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy!  June will review, reset, and then catalyze the spectacular flow of energy manifested by the Grand Cross alignment.  This is fortunate and will generate new beginnings for all.    You may experience “significant” events shared by your community, but these events will bring out the best that each has to offer.  Beloved ones, choose your joy and consider the healing and evolution of all!  I am the Metatron. 

摯愛的人們,尋求你們的喜樂。且記得,「返家」的路徑是一條共有的旅程,而它是以共享喜悅的樂趣鋪設而成的!  6月將回顧,重設,然後催化這股藉由盛大十字對齊而被顯化的壯觀能量流。 這是幸運的,並且會為萬物生成新的開始。 你們可能會藉由你們社群的分享,體驗「顯著」的事件。 但這些事件會帶出每一個要被釋出的最佳面向。 摯愛的人們,選擇你們的喜悅,並且為了正在療癒和進化中的一切著想! 我是麥達昶。

